REDtag project
REDtag (Relevant Events Detection tag) is a novel Predictive Logistics platform, developed to optimize the supply chain process through a knowledge-based approach. REDtag is able to clearly identify critical events context, predict future occurrences and thus paving the way for further evolutions of a smart supply chain.
Project included in the strategic research agency of the ICT pole, funded under the POR 2014-2020 of Piedmont and carried out with the contribution of resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Italian State and the Piedmont Region

Textile Certified Supply Chain
The project consists of a feasibility study, started in 2020, with these objectives:
- Technical feasibility assessment of a certification platform via Blockchain, aimed at companies in the textile sector.
- Census of the main and available options, with relative pros and cons.
- Experimental exploration of the potential and limits of tracking of the production chain through Blockchain and integration with existing software systems.
Project included in the strategic research agenda of the ICT pole, funded under the POR 2014-2020 of Piedmont and carried out with the contribution of resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Italian State and the Piedmont Region.

Log Analysis System (LAS)
Ongoing projects with Siemens (Poste Italiane) as final customer.
The platform aims to support the customer in analysing the large amount of logs produced by the DSP systems, so as to be able to properly manage them, producing easy-to-handle Production Statistics and Alerts.
The LAS system continuouslyfinds read all these logs and using ML algorithms (Binary Classifiers of ML.NET) it relevant events for each device, eventually sending them to a common server for Production Statistics monitoring.