Industry 4.0

Predictive Maintenance

The project began in 2020 with the following objectives:

  • Applying Industry 4.0 principles to glass processing machines at Bottero S.p.A.
  • Utilizing IoT technologies and Big Data Analysis to extract information and gain insights into the real-time behavior of objects subjected to vibrational stress
  • Minimizing damage and enabling intelligent predictive analysis

Project details  ->

This project is part of the strategic research agenda of the ICT Innovation Hub, funded under the 2014-2020 Regional Operational Program (POR) of Piedmont, with contributions from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Italian government, and the Piedmont Region.

ynamic Integrated ShopfLoor Operation MANagement for Industry 4.0

ICT platform for integrated dynamic and autonomous management of high-level automation production operations aimed at optimizing resources (people, materials, production systems).

Project financed under POR 2014/2020 of the Piedmont Region, FESR (European Regional Development Fund) and MIUR program – Piedmont Region – Action 3 – “Intelligent Factory”

For more information visit the website

Industry 4.9 Complex Solution for Manufacturing Supply Chain

The ICS-MSC project aims to create a flexible platform for hosting Digital Twins that can represent products and / or production processes in real time.

Real-time simulation of the production process (mechanical / intra-logistic) and packaging / storage in the two use cases using data from production systems and supplied by IoT sensors and gateways and analyzing the behavior with Artificial Intelligence techniques at purposes of predicting any deviations, drops in performance and product quality problems.

Project funded under the POR 2014-2020 of Piedmont and carried out with the contribution of resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Italian State and the Piedmont Region.

Dynamometric key interfacing

The application, developed on iPods, has the functionality of interfacing, monitoring and controlling the equipment integrated in industrial workshops for quality control.

By communicating on TCP through a proprietary protocol with industrial machines and with the central server, the software takes care of controlling the embedded device, displaying the data collected in a graphical form and providing statistics.

Sanitization system for hospital unit spaces

Design and development of an hospital machinery for sanitizing the operating rooms premises.

Given a planning and input parameters (local size, type, ..) the machine supplies the right liquid in the correct proportions. The user can program and control the machines via the web portal or mobile application.


Innovative research related to the use of vibration signals for the prognostic / early identification of the type and severity of damage occurring to roller-bearings through the implementation of machine learning and/or neural networks algorithms.

Two data sets have been evaluated:

  • Data collected over a rig set up at Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering lab of  Politecnico di Torino,
  • Data collected in the test rig the NSF I/UCRC on Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS).

As a result, 97.71% of average prediction accuracy has been achieved, with a 33% algorithm precision enhancement.

Check out our dedicated white paper here.

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