Case Studies – Telematics

Location: Turin (Italy)

Components: flash bootloader, cyber security

Role: software design and development of flash bootloader firmware, and cyber security module

Project description:

Design and software development of components in charge of handling the flash bootloader, and of modules in charge of cyber security rules enforcement in an embedded ECU.

O.S.: Autosar compliant OS.

Location: Venaria (Italy)

Role: system / software architecture

Project description:

  • system and software architecture of Assist Call, Emergency Call applications and audio management
  • software architecture and development of cyber security feature
  • design and software development of connectivity core components

Tasks include requirements handling, creation and linking based on ASPICE model, architecture design (component model, interfaces, use case and sequence diagrams), technical leading for development activities and test suites review, DFMEA assessment, and next RFQ / RFI preparation and evaluation, as well as interfacing with the customer (FCA) both for technical discussions, co-design and CR management.

O.S.: Linux embedded, Autosar compliant O.S.

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