Case Studies – Cluster

Location: Lodi (Italy)

Role: Software design e Sviluppo

Project description:

Accessing CAN, LIN interfaces from Android applications on cluster platform

Development of state-of-the-art SDK components for custom automotive Android-based boards:

  • Android Studio plugin with intuitive user interface to configure hardware capabilities of target board
  • Android library of ready to use Android SDK components (UI widgets, activities, services and threads) capable of accessing configured vehicle properties.
  • low-level BSP implementation (C++) of support for aforementioned capabilities (with focus on support for CAN / LIN / J1939 / multiplexed messages).


  • Platform-independent (Android Studio plugins)
  • Android (SDK components and applications)
  • Linux (low-level BSP components)

Location: Venaria (Italy)

Role: software analysis, bug fixing and testing of SW update components.

Project description:

  • Analysis of former SW project adapted for VW so as to identify any lack of security in the boot process and in the SW update process
  • Verification of signature and integrity of the package to be flashed.
  • Development of a dedicated test suite to spot SW features not matching the requirements, so as to fix and improve robustness of the SW.

O.S.: Embedded Linux

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    Dimostra di essere umano selezionando camion.

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          Dimostra di essere umano selezionando camion.

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            Dimostra di essere umano selezionando casa.